Confira a lista com todos os 28 novos jogos que serão lançados nesta semana.
04 de fevereiro
- Magic Nations
05 de fevereiro
- RIOT: Civil Unrest
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
- The Path of Motus
07 de fevereiro
- AWAY: Joruney to the Unexpected
- Blazblue: Central Fiction Special Edition
- Defense Grid 2
- Estiman
- Ecoland legendary Edition
- Magic Scroll Tactics
- Mercury Race
- Observer
- Percy’s Predicament Deluxe
- Pocket Academy
- Pumped BMX Pro
- Reverie: Sweet As Edition
- Sky Gamblers – Afterburner
- Solstice Chronicles: MIA
- The Stillness of the Wind
08 de fevereiro
- 99Moves
- Access Denied
- City of Brass
- Doom & Destiny
- Food Truck Tycoon
- Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 2
- Odallus: The Dark Call
- Oniken: Unstoppable Edition
- Stunt Kite Party