Confira a lista com todos os 26 novos jogos que serão lançados nesta semana.
29 de janeiro
- Mages of Mystralia
- Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
- Unworthy
30 de janeiro
- Drowning
- Fishing Star World Tour
- Hyperide
31 de janeiro
- Agartha-S
- Airheart – Tales of broken Wings
- Bleep Bloop
- Bombfest
- Downwell
- Dragon Marked for Death: Advanced Attackers
- Dragon Marked for Death: Frontline Fighters
- Eggggg – The platform puker
- Gabbuchi
- Halcyn 6: Starbase Commander
- Merchants of Kaidan
- Necrosphere Deluxe
- New Star Manager
- Piczle Colors
- planetarian
- Stray Cat Doors
- Teangledeep
- Zombie Night Terror
01 de fevereiro
- Thea: The Awakening
- Wargroove